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2 November, 5.52pm pst
BeOS Comes to MS Defense?

BE DOPE NEWS (BDN) A sharp-eyed Be Dope reader attending the current DOJ vs. Microsoft anti-trust trial was surprised to see the BeOS make a surprise guest appearance in the videotaped testimony of Bill Gates.

Following a question concerning the alleged Microsoft-Netscape May meeting, Bill Gates consulted with his lawyer, who in turn consulted briefly with his laptop computer. Though brief, our observer was able to ascertain the Microsoft lawyers were using extendable attributes and the BeOS native query language to sift through information.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised," said our observer, who preferred to remain anonymous. "Obviously Gates knows the importance of this trial and is using the most powerful and stable tools available."

When asked to comment on the irony of Gates using an alternate OS to defend his company, Be engineers were not surprised.

"Sure, we ship BeOS CDs to Redmond all the time," said one engineer. "In fact, we make sure to pay special attention and make custom modifications for those CDs" he added.

A spokesperson for Microsoft claimed to never had heard of the BeOS, or any other operating system created in the last ten years.


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