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18 February, 4.48pm pst Quake II BeOS Utilities In The Works
BE DOPE NEWS (BDN) Following yesterday's announcement of Quake II on the BeOS, several developers have written in revealing plans for Quake II utilities.
"There is more than enough processing power leftover for running Quake utilities that will give the BeOS Quake gamer that extra edge," said one developer.
One plan is to dip into the Quake audio stream as it passes through the BeOS. By analyzing the sound stream it's possible to determine what is going on around the player and send text or audio warning messages such as "Look out behind you" or "Don't go in that room!"
Another possible utility will capture and record the input stream, allowing for the creation of complicated macros such as "jump-spin-shoot-throw grenade-land-duck-run".
Quake II players around the world are anxious to see completed projects.
"I will switch to any OS if it gives me a tactical advantage, whether it be an extra fps or utilities that can enhance my skills," said veteran gamer Joe Fago.
According to developers, the utilities will be available soon after the official Quake II release. They assure our editors they've dedicated large portions of their time to testing, testing and more testing.
"Yes, we are fanatical about testing," said one.
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